Announcing Winona County Energy Contest Winners!

It’s been over a year since the Winona County Energy Contest began, and we’re excited to announce the worthy winners and share the wisdom they’ve gained over the last year. Each winner will receive a cash prize, reduced energy bills, and a lifetime of knowledge about the value of energy conservation. Based on what they’ve learned in the last 365 days, here are some insights they’d like to share for homes and businesses considering energy efficiency improvements.

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City of Altura Saves Money, Energy and is a Clean Water Steward

Minnesotans value clean water.

We know this, because our fair state changed our constitution in 2008 to provide for additional protections. Whether it’s safe drinking water, trout stream fishing, swimming in a pond or industrial or agricultural uses, water is critical to our public health and the environment that supports us.

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Winona Residents Plan for Energy Conservation

The Winona Energy Action Team launched their residential outreach and engagement effort on Tuesday, January 23, with an afternoon workshop at the Friendship Center on the topic of energy conservation. About 20 residents came to receive free LED light bulbs and learned how they could save energy and money while advancing the city’s goals to reduce energy use 10% by 2025 and become carbon neutral by 2050.

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