February 2018 Newsletter


Winona County Water Contest

Open to all Winona County residents and small businesses alike, this contest is intended to support residents in saving water and reducing their water costs. Beginning in April and running through August, participants will work to complete water saving actions to earn points, either individually or as a team. A full list of point-earning actions as well as sign up for the contest can be found on our website under Contests, Water Contest. Not only can residents save money by joining in on the contest but they can win money too! The individual or team with the most points will win $750, followed by a second place prize of $300, a third place prize of $250, and a 4th place prize of $200. So spread the word (10 points for every friend you tell that ends up joining), use a reusable water bottle instead of bottled water (earn 50 points), and be sure to turn off that faucet while brushing your teeth (10 points for every time you take this action)!


The Future of Farming: Lessons from the Tropics

On Thursday, February 22nd Minnesota State College Southeast will be hosting special guest Christopher Nesbitt to share his experience on creating an economically and ecologically sustainable food forest in Belize. After moving to Belize in 1985 Christopher became on organic farmer in 1988 and established the Maya Mountain Research Farm. As one of the oldest Central American permaculture projects it offers opportunities to be a part of ongoing experiments in agroforestry, permaculture, and renewable energy. Christopher is also involved with The Farm Ecovillage Training Center, a whole systems immersion experience of ecovillage living with classes and instruction, tools and resources, and outreach experiences. The presentation will be begin at 6pm with an included dinner beforehand at 5:30pm and a dessert auction after from 6:45-7pm. Registration is $25 per person, dinner included, or $15 per person to attend only the presentation. Those interested in joining can register online at www.southeastmn.edu/training or email customtraining3@southeastmn.edu or call 507-453-2740.

Event Poster and Registration Information


Lake Winona Shoreland Management Update

The City of Winona, with the help of a number of local partners (St. Mary’s University, WSU, Healthy Lake Winona, and the Winona Area Pollinators), won a Conservation Partners Legacy grant from the State of Minnesota’s Outdoor Heritage Fund. The grant is funded through the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment as appropriated by the State Legislature. In Winona, the grant will fund efforts to restore the shoreland habitat on the south side of East (Big) Lake Winona and some aquatic zones on the north side of East Lake. A major component of the work will be removing Invasive species and replacing them with native vegetation including many species ideal for pollinators. The ultimate goal is to increase the habitat value of the Lake Park area for wildlife, while also improving the natural beauty of the shore and parkland.

The new project will utilize many of the same techniques and strategies that were piloted last summer as part of the restoration efforts on the north shore of East Lake Winona within the Healthy Lake Winona demonstration area. The project will be a multi-year effort with grant funds being used over a course of three years.

In the coming months, city staff will be putting forward requests for contractors to provide materials and execute the work requiring heavy labor. Volunteer help will still be a crucial part of the success of the project, so anyone interested with helping should contact John Howard at the City of Winona (Jhoward@ci.winona.mn.us or 507-457-8273).

Upcoming Events

Creating Landscape for Pollinators – Join us on Tuesday, February 20th from 6:30pm to 8pm at the St. Charles Elementary School Auditorium to hear from Prairie Restorations on how to establish a prairie or pollinator yard. Plant species as well as design and installation tactics will be discussed to help residents in creating attractive, natural landscapes. Help reduce erosion by infiltrating water back into the ground AND provide habitat for pollinators! To RSVP email ljensen@co.winona.mn.us.

WSU Water Quality Workshops – Learn how environmental regulations and policies are created and explore how water resources are important to us all. Beginning with a local focus on Winona and southeastern MN the workshops will expand each week to cover both state and global water quality.  All workshops will begin at 4pm in Kryzsko Commons 203/204 at Winona State University, dates include February 20th, 27th and March 13th, 20th. RSVP with Allie Eischens, AEischens15@winona.edu or Natalie Tank, NTank13@winona.edu